Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Today's PAD

This is part of a project I'm in over at pbase. YES, I'm crazy always taking more than I can handle! WEIRD!! Anyway, the project was to snap a pic of anything upside down. I went crazy racking my head for ideas. I had all my marching band friends posing upside down, and getting all together bending backwards, etc....they would all say the same thing to me, "anything for you myrna!" Heck I even made one guy put his glasses on upside down, hahaha, I'm posting that one as well, It's a keeper! I'm posting several pics just to show that I'm not lying. You will see that I had them going crazy! Every though my models were awesome and very cooperative, it didn't really inspire me. I had just about given up! I said well I'll just not post this week, but then OMG!! I get home and my little niece had this old bike upside down!! What are the odds??? Pretty slim! She said that she was playing with the pedals cause she liked the way the back wheel moved! I WAS SPEECHLESS!!! So niece rushes inside, and I'm there staring at the bike! I felt sorry for it, because it looked lonely, sad, and tired to me. So that's the story of my upside down picture! HOW YOU DOING? This is what my twin sister Resbushia says all the time in that movie NORBIT!! hahahaha!!

1 comment:

K Hutchinson said...

OMG I love the upside down world! These are so fun! The girl with the flute is my favorite!