Saturday, August 25, 2007


I joined a candle business, and I'm in heaven! I am totally in love with this company! The candles are awesome, and they are wickless and soot free. So they work miracles for my allergies. Thumbs up to scentsy!! Here you'll see my warmer on (it's a beauty), and my basket party testers in the other picture. Give me a holler if you want to come over and take a sniff ;o) If you are far away then go ahead and check out my website at Thanks!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Myrna! It's StampinMom3 from the Shack.. How in the world do you burn a candle with no wick? Or is all melties like the tarts? I'm so interested to find this out girl!!

Kelly said...

Congrats!! I love candles i used to sell Partylite many years ago, my favorite is vanilla mmmmmmm....... would you ship to Canada? Do you have vanilla??? Mmmmmmm.......LOL!